CSWAB Mission, History, Vision


Two girls at Devil's Lake State ParkThe mission of the group is to support, unify and strengthen citizens concerned for the safety of water resources in and around the Badger Army Ammunition Plant; to effect expedient cleanup of any contamination caused by negligent handling of toxic waste; and to exercise means as necessary to guarantee water resources are totally free of toxic contamination for us and the generations to follow. Our goal is to build a sustainable future which will preserve, and where possible, restore the integrity of natural systems – including soils, water, air, and biological diversity.

En Español – Ciudadanos en pro del Agua Potable Alrededor de Badger (CSWAB)

Position Paper on Remedial Goals: Summary Statement

The U.S. Army has proposed degrading the level of cleanup currently approved by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. We believe the approved level of environmental cleanup at Badger Army Ammunition Plant should not be compromised. Every effort should be made to clean up soils and water to natural background levels and for those contaminants not normally found in our environment, the goal should be complete cleanup.

CSWAB believes it is the Army’s responsibility to preserve and restore the integrity of natural systems including soils, water, air, and biological diversity.

CSWAB believes the public must hold all chemical industry, including the U.S. military, accountable for the environmental damage they have caused. Demanding a complete and comprehensive cleanup ensures future generations will not be burdened with the legacy of pollution from Badger. This goal may indeed be expensive in the short term, but will provide a strong incentive to change the disposal, manufacturing, and training activities of the U.S. Department of Defense and reduce pollution at the source – the only long term solution to our national military toxics problems.

History & Vision

Two girls on beachThe history of CSWAB is an inspirational story of how ordinary people can create extraordinary good. Our challenge – to assure that the Pentagon fulfills its commitment to the complete cleanup of toxins that have placed ecological and human health at risk – has been no small task. Environmental cleanup of the 7,400-acre Badger Army Ammunition Plant will be the largest such project in the history of the state of Wisconsin; expected remediation costs have been estimated to be as high as $250 million.

Download a copy of the 20th Anniversary booklet (pdf)
CSWAB: Our Journey to Heal the Land and People (pdf)
CSWAB Privacy and Data Retention Policy (pdf)

Voices for CSWAB

“For two decades CSWAB has not only been an effective guardian of the environment around the Badger Army Ammunition Plant, but it has been in the forefront of national issues such as the burning of buildings and the establishment of standards for explosive compounds.”

Lenny Siegel
Director, Center for Public Environmental Oversight