CSWAB in the News

CSWAB’s letter to state officials calling for a comprehensive ban on the use of the herbicide atrazine to protect expectant mothers and infants from exposure prompted a front page story in the Wisconsin State Journal this week. At the December 7 public hearing in...

CSWAB Receives Commendations for 20 Years of Service

In recognition of 20 years of service protecting communities and the environment, Citizens for Safe Water Around Badger (CSWAB) is pleased to announce that the organization and its Executive Director have recently received 10 commendations from federal, state, tribal...

Coalition Says Children at Risk from Atrazine Exposures

A statewide coalition organized by Citizens for Safe Water Around Badger is calling for a comprehensive ban or other significant action to protect expectant mothers and infants from exposure to the herbicide atrazine in groundwater. “The current approach consistently...

CSWAB Victory Sets National Precedents for Munitions Cleanups

The State of Wisconsin has adopted groundwater standards for previously-unregulated munitions contaminants that set national precedents for the protection of public health and the environment. Wisconsin is the first state to establish groundwater standards for all six...

Toxins Could Flow into Riverway if Army Stops Cleanup

If area residents accept a proposed municipal water supply system, the military has announced that it will ask the WDNR for permission to shut down a huge groundwater extraction system that currently stops toxins from flowing into groundwater and the nearby Lower...

Explosives Found in Rural Merrimac Well

The explosive compound dinitrotoluene (DNT) has been detected in another residential well in the town of Merrimac – a scenario that neighbors of Badger Army Ammunition Plant say could have been avoided if the military and environmental regulators had been proactive....