CLCCHE was initiated to oppose open air burning of hazardous waste at the Clean Harbors Colfax facility in Louisiana. For years, the facility has been disposing of high explosives, rocket motors, munitions, warheads, fireworks, propellants, detonating cords, nitro compounds, air bags, etc, by open burning – spewing toxic pollution everywhere to soil, groundwater, crops, homes, animals and humans.
Central Louisiana Coalition for a Clean and Healthy Environment (CLCCHE)
Public Testimony before the USEPA Office of Resource Conservation & Recovery
Calling for a National BAN on Open Burning and Detonation of Hazardous Waste
March 22, 2022
My name is Brenda Vallee, and I represent the Central Louisiana Coalition for a Clean and Healthy Environment. I live near the town of Colfax and near a community known as The Rock. Both are made up of predominately low income African Americans. In both areas educational levels are not high and health Issues abound. I live within two (2.) miles of the hazardous waste site Clean Harbors Colfax, and parts of The Rock community live within a five (5) minute walk of the Clean Harbors property line.
The hazardous waste site began operating in the 1980’s, and the amount of waste received over the years has increased. Currently Clean Harbors Colfax is the owner and operator of the open burning/open detonation (OB/OD) facility, and ls the only commercial OB/OD facility in the United States. Waste Is accepted from many states and some from outside of the United States.
The site developed here for many of the same reasons that many unwanted and undesirable facilities have developed in many parts of the United States. The land was not expensive; the people were not as well educated; taxes were relatively low; and it was a low income area. The people accepted it without many questions, and the company did not offer much Information. The company did not educate the people as to what was coming and what is currently happening.
The citizens of the area became more aware of the operations at the facility when the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality gave Clean Harbors Colfax permission to accept hazardous waste from Camp Minden. Loud detonations became very common and smoke plumes were much bigger. Questions were asked but still not many answered.
In 2017 our coalition conducted a health survey of The Rock community. We found high levels of cancer, thyroid disease, respiratory problems, skin irritations, eye irritations, lung problems and many more. Many of these matched up to the census tract information provided in the Louisiana Tumor Registry. Looking at it now many of these problems run parallel to the health issues being exhibited by soldiers in the war zones who were exposed to the burn pits.
Since our coalition began the Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality has become more active in checking on Clean Harbors Colfax. Prior to that time many inspections read “No issues of concern.” Below are the actions taken by LDEQ.
1. Five (5) Consolidated Compliance Orders & Notice of Potential Penalties
2. Four (4) Notices of Potential Penalties
3. One (1) Penalty Assessment for over $880,000 issued on November 19, 2018
4. One (1) Penalty Assessment for $605,000 on April 7, 2021
5. Over fifty (50) warning letters
On the day of the PEA stakeholders meeting, March 10, 2022, I received an email from LDEQ that a finalized settlement had been signed by ail involved parties. Note that all issues In the above five (5) items were not in the finalized agreement.
As of today, Clean Harbors continues to operate under OB/OD. A new permit application is underway; however Clean Harbors Colfax’s new application still contains OB/OD as part of the plan of operation and all of the plan of operation when the new proposed enclosed chambers are down for repairs. Either way it is Clean Harbors Colfax facility would like to continue OB/OD.
We can’t bring back to life those that have died as a result of OB/OD. We can’t take away the past and present suffering caused by OB/OD. We can’t remove the psychological trauma caused by the loud detonations. We can’t remove the fear of children being harmed by exposure to the offslte hazardous waste. We can’t undo any harm caused by OB/OD ln the past or in areas where it is still being conducted.
We will have to deal with the consequences of allowing OB/OD for years to come; however, WE CAN BAN OB/OD NOW.
For more information about Central Louisiana Coalition for a Clean and Healthy Environment (CLCCHE):
Phone: 318.446.0501
Email: bfvallee@bellsouth.net
Visit them on Facebook at: