EPA has extended the deadline for public comment another 30 days – the NEW deadline for comment on the proposed federal rule is June 20, 2024.

Military bases and private facilities across the country release harmful pollutants into surrounding communities and the environment by burning and detonating millions of pounds of munitions and other hazardous wastes in the open air.

Burn pits at places like the former Badger Army Ammunition Plant in Wisconsin are the source of groundwater contamination that has migrated miles beyond the plant boundary – polluting the community’s only source of drinking water with toxic explosives, solvents and PFAS.

Please urge EPA to take swift action to END open air burning and open detonation and finally protect frontline communities and the environment.

Learn more about this proposed rule and how to submit your comments at https://cswab.org/tell-epa-to-ban-open-burning-of-pfas-toxic-munitions/


Your support is our strength!
THANK YOU to everyone who has already submitted comments to EPA supporting a BAN on open burning of PFAS and toxic munitions.