In solidarity with the Kentucky Environmental Foundation and other members of the national Cease Fire Campaign, CSWAB submitted formal comments this week objecting to a proposed hazardous waste permit allowing the Blue Grass Army Depot (KY) to continue open air burning and detonation of as much as 4,000,000 pounds of hazardous conventional munitions wastes per year – a highly polluting practice that causes the uncontrolled release of toxic emissions to the surrounding environment.

Our August 20 letter to the Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet objects to the continued open air burning and detonation at Blue Grass based on the availability of safer non-thermal alternatives, the excessive risk to human health and the environment, and noncompliance with federal and state law requiring the implementation of available safer advanced treatment methods.

“By definition, open burning and detonation result in the uncontrolled release of toxic pollutants to the environment. These toxic emissions endanger public health by contaminating air, groundwater and soils near these operations,” our letter emphasizes. “Onsite men and women are often the most exposed to these toxic pollutants, along with nearby communities.”

Our complete comments and enclosures are posted below:

Cease Fire CSWAB Comments Blue Grass RCRA OBOD Permit Mod August 2018
Cease Fire Fact Sheet Alternatives to Burning
Alternative Technologies Approved Deployed Cease Fire Campaign 2017
Fact Sheet Health Effects of Air Emission from Munitions Disposal Cease Fire FINAL
Open Burning Detonation Sites as Potential Sources of PFAS

Photographs: Open Air Burning Unit and Detonation Area, Blue Grass Army Depot (KY)