Current Issues
Badger Army Groundwater 25,000 Times Safe Standards
CSWAB Wants State to Set Enforceable Timelines for Compliance On June 2, the U.S. Army submitted a 730-page report to the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) on potential remedies for groundwater contamination at and near the former Badger Army...
CSWAB Calls for New Advisory for Toxic PFAS Chemical
Today, CSWAB petitioned the Wisconsin DNR for a reassessment of the state's Groundwater Health Advisory Level (HAL) for a PFAS chemical known as PFBS. If approved, the toxicological review is expected to reduce the State’s current HAL from 450,000 ppt (parts per...
Testing Private Wells for PFAS Should be a Priority
High levels of PFAS contamination have been detected in groundwater and other media at thousands of military and civilian sites in the U.S. and its territories including Wisconsin. For virtually all of these sites, the extent and degree of PFAS groundwater...
CSWAB Spring Update
Webinar on PFAS Ecological Risks Want to learn more about how PFAS contamination may affect wildlife? SERDP and ESTCP are hosting a free webinar titled Advancing in Understanding PFAS Ecological Risks on April 8, 2021 at 11 AM CST. More info and registration at:...
PFAS Testing Near Badger Stalled
It has been one year since the U.S. Army first announced that toxic PFAS chemicals found in certain firefighting foams had been discovered in soils and groundwater at Badger Army Ammunition Plant (Badger) and area residents are looking for answers. “We are growing...
Wisconsin Drops Environmental Testing for 3 PFAS found in Firefighting Foams
On March 1, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) announced that it will no longer expect regulated entities to sample for three of the 36 PFAS compounds that were previously included in site investigations. The three PFAS compounds – 10:2 FTS,...
CSWAB Opposes Exemptions for Certain PFAS
CSWAB submitted the following comments at the inaugural meeting the Wisconsin DNR PFAS External Advisory Group this week. CSWAB recently accepted an invitation from WDNR Secretary Preston Cole to serve on newly-formed advisory panel. Executive DIrector Laura Olah is...
Open Air Burning of PFAS by U.S. Army will Continue, Despite Public Outcry
Effective today, a permit issued by the State of Tennessee and U.S. EPA Region 4 will allow the U.S. Army to continue open air burning of toxic PFAS chemicals at the Holston Army Ammunition Plant, despite objections from hundreds of citizens and more than 70...
Hundreds Challenge Open Burning of PFAS by U.S. Army
Nearly 300 people – including representatives of 72 civic, environmental, veterans and health organizations from around the nation – have issued a joint statement calling on state and federal regulators to prohibit open air burning of PFAS and other toxic chemicals at...
Action Alert: U.S. Military is Open Burning PFAS!
About PFAS in Munitions What are PFAS? Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) are a group of man-made chemicals that includes PFOA, PFOS, GenX, and many other chemicals. PFAS are used to make fluoropolymer coatings and products that resist heat, oil, stains,...
Thank you for 30 years of Support!
30 years ago, neighbors of the idle Badger Army Ammunition Plant came together to articulate and achieve a sustainable peaceful future for the Badger lands. Mercury, toxic explosives and PFAS are still challenges on the former Badger landscape, but gone are the...
CSWAB Victory! Wisconsin to Set Standards for 18 PFAS Chemicals
CSWAB is pleased to report that state health officials have recommended new groundwater quality standards for 18 PFAS chemicals that are currently unregulated in Wisconsin. With these new health-based guidelines in hand, it now falls to the state legislature to secure...