The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is requesting public comment on proposed regulations that will allow for the open burning and detonation (OB/OD) of waste explosives. In communities across America, open burning and detonation of energetic hazardous waste results in the uncontrolled release of toxic heavy metals, PFAS, energetic compounds, perchlorate, nitrogen oxides, dioxins and other carcinogens to the environment, placing the health of our soldiers, workers and neighbors at risk.

How and Where to Submit a Comment:

The DEADLINE for public comment is Thursday June 20, 2024.

Comments can be submitted through the online form on the Federal Register website.

Suggested talking points:

Only a BAN on OB/OD will:

  • Prevent the uncontrolled release of PFAS and other toxic and carcinogenic emissions to the environment.
  • Incentivize the development of newer safer treatment technologies.
  • Readily secure federal funding for the deployment of alternative technologies.
  • Encourage the development and transition to “green” munitions.
  • Protect the integrity and sustainability of natural systems including soil, water, air and biodiversity.
  • Prevent the uncontrolled release of emerging unregulated toxic chemicals like RDX and PFAS.
  • Only a BAN will provide fair and equitable treatment for all communities by protecting ALL communities.

P.S. Even if you signed a petition in the past, we still need EVERYONE to submit a comment via the federal register today! 

Tips for how to submit a public comment:

  • Be respectful and polite in your comments.
  • Get personal, share your experiences, and why you care. Personal messages carry more sentiment and weight which are more meaningful and can have a bigger impact on policymakers.
  • Cite relevant data that supports your comment

The full URL for the Federal Register website is

The Docket ID Number is EPA–HQ–OLEM–2021–0397

NEW!  On May 17, 2024, EPA published a map and table showing U.S. facilities that treat hazardous waste explosives by open burning or open detonation. You can find the EPA identification numbers, names, addresses, permitting statuses, and permit expiration dates for these facilities on this NEW map of stateside. (Zoom in map to see Andersen Air Force Base in Guam.)

Complete URL for map is

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