On February 22, CSWAB participated in the initial meeting of the PFAS Technical Advisory Group hosted by the Wisconsin DNR in Madison. The goal of the group is to examine the what, where, when and how of PFAS investigation and remediation by sharing concerns, identifying current and proposed practices and strategizing on issues requiring solutions.

After the meeting, CSWAB shared information about state lifetime Health Advisory Levels (HALs) which serve as technical guidance to assist regulators with water consumption advisories and groundwater remediation decisions.

CSWAB is familiar with the topic as we have successfully petitioned for more than a dozen HALs — many associated with munitions contamination at the former Badger Army Ammunition Plant.

Following are source documents with highlighted text pertaining to Wisconsin HALs, including our most recent petition for the summed-total concentration of PFAS in groundwater and drinking water.

MOU Wisconsin WDHS and WDNR References to Health Advisory Levels 1989
MOU Amendment WDHS and WDNR References to HALs July 2009
WDNR Table of Health Advisory Levels HALs
CSWAB Petition for Health Advisory Level HAL Summed Total PFAS 2018
Wisconsin DNR Letter Granting CSWAB Petition for Summed Total PFAS Jan 2019
Wisconsin Division of Health Comments ATSDR Tox Profile PFAS August 2018